

What does it mean to be situated in history, to exist in a particular time and place?

Working with communities in Knutsford and LGBT artists across Greater Manchester, Re-Dock have co-created a play about Turing and Murray’s trial, using it as a catalyst to explore ideas of discrimination, judgment, legality and equal rights. The narrative brings in multiple perspectives and viewpoints of the issues examined.


The Play

A newly commissioned play, written for Unsung Stories. There were three performances during the four day festival.

Writing Regina v Turing and Murray - Writer and director Steven Downs’ reflections on his thought process and the music choices involved in Regina v Turing and Murray.

Court Side Report for the Knutsford Courier - Reporter Sylvia Seddon provides a detailed front row report of the court proceedings. Accompanied with courtroom sketches by Robin Sukatorn.

Regina v Turing and Murray performance

The VR Experience

Three 360° narrative shorts told from various viewpoints. Members of the public are able to stand in the courtroom and in the shoes of others. Stand at the dock to see Turing's and Murray's thoughts, sit on the Judge's bench to listen to his internal monologue. The technology brings multiple perspectives to life, augmenting the experience with abstract thoughts and patterns inspired by Turing’s morphogenesis theories.

It was open throughout the duration of the festival when the play was not being performed. All performances and VR experiences were free.

Regina v Turing and Murray VR Experience - Filmmaker Tim Brunsden explains his approach to the VR filming.

Behind the VR Music - Composer Tom Rae Smith talks about his influences and the thinking process behind his soundtrack for the VR films.

VR Audience Feedback - Thoughts and feedback from those who experienced the Regina v Turing and Murray VR Experience.

Cast & Crew

All the actors were recruited from the local community of Knutsford. From an open call audition to four weeks of intense rehearsals, the amateur thespians brought life to the script.

Details of the those involved in the production can be found on the Cast & Crew page.

Silver Rainbows

Silver Rainbows is a social network for older lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans people in Cheshire. They brought personal stories to the play, taking part in the Q&A afterwards and sharing their journeys through the legislations.

Silver Rainbows Interviews -
Listen to interviews with Colin Avery, Michael and Peter Eustance of Silver Rainbows.